Business Loan
Capital is a vital component for the success of commerce today. Irrespective of whether a firm is in proprietorship or big organization, finance holds the key to its development, and managing finance is certainly not a child's play. Keeping all this in mind, several institutions have come up with business loans to help budding and existing entrepreneurs.
Very frequently, every company has to face a make-or-break situation which calls for immediate investment to reap long term benefits. If one is not having the finances at that time, he might well opt for a business loan which is designed specifically to fulfill urgent business requirements. These loans not only help in expanding a business, but also play a vital role in modernizing and improving small as well as medium scale business.
Business Loans are offered in two types, Secured and unsecured.
For a Secured Business loan, the borrower needs to pledge something as collateral or security against the loan amount taken. Be it raw material or finished Services, land or machinery, anything can be kept as collateral in agreement with the lending party. The borrower can also offer cash advance as collateral as it offers more liquidity and the loan can be availed at lower interest rates and flexible repayment options.
In case of unsecured business loans, here is no requirement of any collateral from the borrower. However, while availing an unsecured business loan, the borrower needs to pay a high interest rate. Moreover, the loan amount is taken for a smaller tenure when compared to a secured loan. According to their tenure, business loans can be further diversified.
To meet the temporary needs of a business like short term working capital, a short term loan is most apt one, with the repayment time period of a year.
An Intermediate Loan is necessary for starting up business to buy inventory, equipment and also increase working capital.
A Long term is necessary for well established business houses who wish to expand, increase their fixed assets or related business acquisitions with terms that runs for a period of 3-5 years.
Furthermore, drawing the thin line between critical needs and expenses that can be put off till a better financial situation prevails holds the key to prevent one from any financial predicament. Making a single hasty decision without any idea of its impact in your business might prove to be detrimental in the long run. Therefore, one must be very clear of his actual need and necessities for enhancing and improving his business by borrowing the rights loans with a detailed insight of its pros and cons.