Home Loan Interest Rate
Before applying for a home loan, know the rate of charges, penalty or fee charged by your lending company or bank for default in monthly EMI. Know the processing charge and in case a person decide to switch their loan from current lender to a new lender, current lender will charge penalty or fee for pre-closure of your loan.
Here is the list of Interest Rates from various Banks:
Bank |
Interest Rates |
Apply |
State Bank Of India |
9.95% - 10.10% |
ICICI Bank |
10.25% - 10.50% |
HDFC Ltd |
10.15% - 10.40% |
LIC Housing |
10.25% - 11.20% |
AXIS Bank |
10.25% - 10.50% |
Standard Chartered |
9.99% - 10.15% |
Fedbank |
10.20% |
First Blue Home Finance |
10.25% - 11.50% |
PNB Housing Finance |
10.50% - 11% |